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Pleasant Grove Elementary School

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4th Grade

4TH GRADE: Developing Musical Proficiency 
IN Standards for 4th Grade Music   

At this point, most of the students have a good comprehension of meters, pentatonic intervals, and elementary rhythms. This is excellent preparation for the rhythmic, melodic, and analytic challenges they will meet in 4th grade. Our 5 goals include:

  1. To introduce the double division of the beat through sixteenth notes, then the eighth rest, dotted rhythms and syncopation.
  2. To discover and explore the arrangement of whole and half steps through singing and playing melodies in the keys of C, F, and G.
  3. To continue the exploration of texture with singing and playing in three- and four-part canon, then with two-chord accompaniments, I and V.
  4. To foster improvisation, creating instrumental introductions, codas, and contrasting sections for song material.
  5. To develop listening skills with music in canon (i.e. Purcell’s Canon).


  • Allegro - Fast
  • Simple Meter - 4/4, 3/4, 2/4
  • Compound Meter - 6/8, 9/8, 12/8
  • Duration - length of notes
  • Eighth Notes - 1/2 beat in simple meter
  • Sixteenth Notes - 1/4 beat in simple meter
  • 1st, 2nd Ending
  • D.S. al Coda - Return to the "sign", then perform to the Coda
  • Major / Minor
  • Mezzo Piano - Medium quiet
  • Mezzo Forte - Medium loud
  • Woodwind
  • Harmony
  • Chord - 2 or more pitches at the same time
  • Expression
  • Legato - Smooth and connected
  • Staccato - Short and detached